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Comment éviter de trop payer et de sous-payer des impôts pour les résidents frontaliers 

Ayez l'esprit complètement tranquille en sachant que tout est fait correctement avec les services de déclaration fiscale de Galux

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Devez-vous déposer une déclaration de revenus ?

En tant que contribuable non résident, vous devez déposer une déclaration de revenus si l'une des conditions suivantes s'applique à vous

Tax returm mandatory

Income threashold (only applies to Louxembourgish incomes)

Taxable income over

EUR 100,000

In case of several revenues subject to withholding tax

  • Class 1 and 2

EUR 36,000

  • Class 1A

EUR 30,000

Usually are concerned

  • Married couple where both work
  • Employes combining several employment contracts

Income not subject to witholding tax in excess of

EUR 600

Income from transferable securities over 

EUR 1,600

Directors fees over

EUR 1,500

Joint taxation of a non-resident and a resident


You do not have a complete tax return? This is one more reason to complete

Save your business time with Galux Tax services

The following are cases where you could benefit from filing a tax return (this list is not exhaustive)

  • You are in Partnership and you both worked during the tax year.
  • You received a property related income from a Louxembourgish source
  • You realized a loss from a type of Luxembourgish income not subjected to tax witholding 
  • You paid an allowances to children not part of your household
  • You personally comtribute to your company pension scheme 

What you get is even more 

  • Your incomes from Luxemburgish source represent more than 90% of your global income (50% for the belgians) 
  • You paid insurance premiums.
  • You paid debit interests related to credit cards or loans.
  • You purchased your home during the tax year
  • You realized a loss from a category of income not subject to withholding tax (i.e. interests paid on a mortgage loan related to the main residence).  
  • You received dividends of less than or equal to 1,500 euro and wishing to account withholding tax on income from transferable securities.