Why an umbrella company is not interesting for contractors

The tax administration is conducting tax reassessment on several dozen contractors which were employed through umbrella companies. Indeed some umbrella companies in Luxembourg have organized a tax fraud scheme by which the major parts of the amounts paid to the consultants were not declared to the tax authorities. Contractors, in good faith, thus find themselves having to pay for important additional amounts of taxes and social contributions. To recap, the portage in Luxembourg is not allowed. Moreover, given the good social protection of self-employed in Luxembourg, there is no major interest in being employed rather than self-employed. Indeed, the self-employed in the same way as the employee can benefit from sick leave and unemployment benefits. Finally the costs relating to the accountancy is well below the management fees fees that may charge umbrella companies. Finally in terms of professional liability, there are legal solutions which enable you to be protected. If you want, as contractor, to switch from the status of employee to self-employed, do not hesitate to contact us. We can handle everything! from the status of employee to self-employed, do not hesitate to contact us. We can handle everything!

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You want to start as an entrepreneur but you do not want to quit your job? ...

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VAT: the deadlines

CAUTION! The deadlines for the submission of VAT returns approach:

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From a tax point of view, what do y...

If you are an employee, when you move to Luxembourg, you n...

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